Relationships: The real leadership. Pt.1

Friends Jump Together by Hermanzs at
PC: hermanzs

      There are a lot of books on leadership. With influential leadership authors from Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner to Simon Sinek and Mark Miller, some authors have a perspective drawn from religion while others have a perspective forged by the military. You have probably read many of these books.
      "21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership" by John Maxwell is one of the most popular leadership books, with more than 24 million copies sold. Over the years John has taught these laws around the world and at many Fortune 500 companies. His book dives outlines how each law can stand alone, there is no order to perform these laws, and if these laws are practiced with a humble heart you will be a better leader. But, this is the vicious circle we come to. Great leaders, in my experience and education, have a passion for life-long learning. It's unfortunate that many of the people who should read books like these won't read books like these. These books are great, but the vast majority of them are only identifying leaders (As a good friend put it.). So, the question still remains: How do we grow leaders?
Just over a year ago, posted an article by Jeff Haden titled 9 Habits of People Who Build Extraordinary Relationships. To sum it up; building relationships is simply about valuing other people.

"The person who builds great relationships doesn't think about what [they] want; [they] start by thinking about what [they] can give."
- Jeff Haden

      If real relationships are built on trust, openness, vulnerability, and servitude then isn't that the foundation of real leadership? Understanding our leadership character with the perspective of how we build genuine relationships could unlock our potential to be better leaders.
How do you compare our ability to build genuine relationships with real leadership?

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One Response to “Relationships: The real leadership. Pt.1”

  1. Relationships are the key to leadership as leadership, at its root, is an affect. I liked this post of yours Alex. Thank you for sending me this via Twitter. ~Mike
